No-see-ums, also known as biting midges, punkies and sand gnats, are often felt, but rarely seen. These tiny flying insects are similar to mosquitoes, but their minuscule size, which is about 1 to 3 millimeters long, makes it hard to notice and avoid swarms until it's too late. While this species of fly is tiny, they leave a lasting impression with their bite. Learn what attracts no-see-ums, why their bites sting so much and what you can do to protect yourself and your family with advice from the MosquitoNix® Library.
No-see-ums thrive in moist environments, and you're likely to encounter them in areas with adequate moisture for their breeding needs. No-see-um colonies breed in moist sand and mud near ponds, tree holes and even manure piles. They love warm, humid climates and tend to be most active in the morning and early evening. You have seen a swarm of them circling when the light hits them just right, you just may not have known that is what you were looking at.
Stagnant water and messy or overgrown landscaping make the perfect locations for a no-see-um colony. What seems like a small puddle after a summer rain storm can be a potential breeding pool for these tiny pests. A colony of no-see-ums can establish itself rather quickly without you realizing a nuisance is brewing. If that isn't an incentive to keep your home's exterior tidy, we don't know what is! Upkeep and maintenance like trimming bushes, mowing lawns, removing standing water in containers or children's pools, discarding piles of debris or yard waste and even checking to bring in the pet bowls are all things you can do to take away certain conditions these annoying bugs want to turn into a vacation spot.
When Are No-See-Ums Most Active?Like most bugs, no-see-ums are the most active in warmer months, particularly June and July. But just because it is winter doesn't mean you couldn't come across them. In places like the Gulf Coast, no-see-ums hang out all year round because of the warmer and more humid temperatures and conditions. But when it comes to the most active time of day, remember that dusk and dawn are this bug's playtime.
No-see-ums are sometimes confused with other small biting pests, but they are a different species with thousands of variations. They are strictly outdoor breeders, and that's where you'll find the source of their evolution from egg to full-grown adult. Like mosquitoes, no-see-ums enjoy a delicious meal of your blood. They are both attracted to the lactic acid, heat and carbon dioxide you release. Unlike mosquitoes, however, you feel pain with every bite of a no-see-um because they inject saliva into your skin, but don't follow up with a pain-numbing substance the way that mosquitoes do.
How Can You Get Rid of No-See-Ums?Eliminating no-see-ums often feels like fighting an invisible enemy, but you can take steps to reduce their numbers. The easiest and first step to take is to remove all sources of standing water around your home, including puddles, portable swimming pools and bird baths. Check in crawl spaces as well to ensure you don't have a plumbing leak causing excess moisture to accumulate. Even a few tablespoons of water can be enough to draw a group of no-see-ums to your yard. Don't forget pet bowls, toys, empty plant pots or other yard equipment that sometimes gets left out.
Next, replace standard window mesh screens with finer no-see-um-proof models that prevent the tiny bugs from slipping inside. Repair any holes or tears in your existing screens and check around all windows and doorways for holes or cracks. This will help keep all types of bugs out, as well. Be sure to keep your windows and doors closed, and treat yourself to air conditioning to keep your body cool and less attractive to hungry bugs.
You can get temporary relief from those stinging bites with bug sprays and repellents containing chemicals, or you can use repellents containing lemon, eucalyptus, mint, menthol or camphor essential oils. These bugs also dislike basil, so having some of this fresh herb would be beneficial. Wearing loose-fitting long-sleeve shirts and long pants cover up a lot of potential biting territory, and switching off lights ends their attraction to glowing light sources.
How long do no-see-um bites last? The pain and itchiness can be maddening, and welts may linger on your skin for up to two weeks. Getting rid of these nuisance biters requires expertise, and our team of trained MosquitoNix professionals can provide several chemical and eco-friendly solutions that stop them cold. We have highly effective outdoor misting and fogging systems and offer portable no-see-um control products that are easy to take anywhere. If you were planning a weekend getaway or day-long party for the family, we can make sure your event is bug-free, wherever the party happens. Contact us today and ask our no-see-um experts for the best permanent elimination remedies.
What are no-see-um bugs?No-see-um bugs are tiny, flying insects that have a painful bite. They breed quickly, and numbers rapidly climb once a colony takes hold. These biting midges are small flies and are in the Ceratopogonidae family. There are over 5,000 species of this insect that can be found all over the world except for the Antarctic and the Artic.
How long do no-see-um bites last?No-see-um bites can last for up to two weeks and usually appear as a cluster of small welts. During this time, bites will be painful and itchy. They will appear as small welts that could get up to two inches in diameter. Read our blog post "How to treat no see um bites" to learn about remedies to help alleviate the itching and discomfort associated with these bites. If you experience any unusual or concerning symptoms, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional.
How can I get rid of no-see-ums?Start by eliminating standing water sources. Like mosquitoes, no-see-ums need moisture to breed. Call the professionals at MosquitoNix® to have them treat your yard for no-see-ums. MosquitoNix uses a combination of highly effective foggers and misters to stop these flying insects in their tracks.
What are the signs of a no-see-um infestation and how can I identify them?Signs of a no-see-um infestation include the presence of the flies themselves, as well as bites on your skin. Bites from no-see-ums are typically small and appear as red or pink bumps that are itchy and can last for several days up to a few weeks.
How do no-see-ums differ from mosquitoes?No-see-ums, also known as biting midges, are small, flying insects that belong to the Ceratopogonidae family. They are smaller than most mosquitoes and have a humpbacked appearance. Unlike other mosquitoes, no-see-ums have a more painful bite due to their saw-like teeth and because they release their saliva that irritates you, and can easily penetrate screens and clothing due to their smaller size than mosquitoes.
What attracts no-see-ums bugs?No-see-ums are attracted to moisture and warmth, as well as carbon dioxide and lactic acid that humans and animals emit. They are also attracted to dark clothing and perfumes or scented products and like a good light source.
Can no-see-ums live in your house?No-see-ums can enter a home through small openings like windows, doors and vents. However, they usually do not infest homes or live indoors because they require a moist environment to survive and breed. They are commonly found in outdoor areas like marshes, swamps, near bodies of water or around any standing water, no matter the source. If you are experiencing bites inside your home, it is more likely to be from other pests like mosquitoes, fleas, or bed bugs.
What is the life expectancy of no-see-ums?The life expectancy of a no-see-um can vary depending on the species and environmental conditions. The adult lifespan of a no-see-um is only around two weeks, but they can complete their entire life cycle, from egg to adult, in just a few weeks.