Flies are extremely common, and are well-known for being a 10 on the human annoyance meter. These warm-weather insects can quickly ruin your outdoor picnic or keep you busy swatting them away just about anywhere they swarm. If you are sick of listening to the buzzing, trying to find where that one fly has been hiding all day, learn about flies and how to handle infestations with advice from the MosquitoNix® Library.
Two fly species you're likely to encounter at home are the common house fly and fruit flies. House flies are dark grey in color with red eyes, and typically breed in garbage cans and heaps of deteriorating compost. Feeding on anything decaying, they transfer rotting, filthy matter onto all surfaces that come into contact with their feet. Fruit flies, on the other hand, are small and tan in color. These flies are usually found near fruits and vegetables in a state of decay. We have all forgotten about that one piece of fruit left on the counter until we saw the fruit flies reminding us to toss it.
Life Span of FliesIt might seem like that fly has been buzzing around your television for years, but most species of fly have a lifespan of 15 to 25 days. It feels a lot longer when they won't leave when you are trying to cook. Some species, like the house fly, can live up to two months in cooler temperatures if they have the right conditions and plenty of food. This is too long to deal with these flying insects, so taking action as soon as possible is so important to your sanity and health.
How to Keep Flies Away From Your HomeBoth types of flies maintain life by feeding in unsanitary places, and they can spread disease and illness from decaying and filthy matter through their feet and tubal tongues. A handy flyswatter can dispatch a few at a time, but they're hard to catch and hit if you don't have the best aim. A well-placed electronic bug zapper is a bit more effective in certain areas, but you have to hope the flies don't get smart and avoid that spot. Bug spray is a short-term lethal fix, but fumes and residue may harm humans and pets, and you have to leave the room or home while the fumes and chemicals dry out. Sticky clear fly traps are effective on house flies, and liquid traps may work on fruit flies, but even that is a waiting game.
Prevention is your best bet for keeping flies at bay. Keeping rooms, porches and your property clear of scattered trash is essential. Drop discarded fruit and vegetable remnants into plastic zip bags before throwing them away or create a compost area. Make sure trash can bags and waste cans are tightly sealed, and remove garbage from the home regularly. Anti-fly mesh screens on windows and doors ensure flies are prevented from entering your home in the first place.
Seek Professional Help When NeededRegardless of your efforts to keep pesky flies away from your home, some fly swarms continue their assault on your sanity. Don't let yourself go insane and don't let the bugs take over your home. Professionals with experience in this type of pest control are your best resource. MosquitoNix has various fly control solutions that help you deal with home and outdoor infestations. Our compassionate, trained technicians can assess your fly problem and provide speedy service using effective and even eco-friendly formulations. We also offer completely portable fly control formulas and delivery systems that get rid of flies so you can enjoy outdoor activities wherever you go. You don't have to take on the flies alone and you don't have to wait until their life cycle ends. Just call the caring team at MosquitoNix for a free quote to see how to best rid your house and life of all types of flies.