Welcome to the MosquitoNix® Insect and Pest Library!
At MosquitoNix, we're committed to driving pests away from your home so you can fully enjoy your indoor and outdoor spaces without the swatting and bug bites. While mosquitos are our specialty, there are several other household insects we can eliminate with our effective and affordable MosquitoNix outdoor misting systems and fogging services. Whether you are in search of a short-term solution for an event or party or a long-term system to keep the pests away permanently, MosquitoNix knows how to deal with your pest problems. The following are some of the common pests we can eliminate using our eco-friendly pest control methods that our caring and experienced teams are trained in.

Mosquitos: You don't only find mosquitoes in Florida. Mosquitos are attracted to standing water, anywhere they find it. Generally, they are most active from dusk till dawn during the warmer months, or anytime the temperature is around 50* Fahrenheit or warmer.
The females "bite" a host to feed on their blood. These flying insects are especially annoying due to the fact their bites leave itchy, red welts on the skin that can itch constantly and could even lead to blisters or welts. The worst part is mosquitos pose a potential health risk because they can spread diseases like West Nile virus, Zika and malaria. While Florida mosquitoes might be one of the worst spots for mosquitoes, no matter where you live, you don't want to deal with these flying insects.
MosquitoNix provides powerful, effective solutions to keep mosquitos away using natural, biodegradable insect repellent formulas that deliver powerful results. Specialized services are available for residential homes, commercial locations and special events, no matter where they take place. In addition, portable mosquito extermination solutions are available for camping, picnics, patios and smaller backyards for an immediate and short-term solution.
No-see-ums: Also known as biting gnats and sand flies, no-see-ums are another particularly irritating pest. Similar to mosquitos, female no-see-ums cause painful bites when they feed on the blood of the host and can transmit disease, especially in warmer climates. Another issue with no-see-ums is that they are so tiny (hence the name) that they often get into the house by fitting through the smallest tears and holes in screens on windows and doors. Moist soil and standing water attract these flying insects just like their mosquito counterpart. Traditional insecticides and repellents often don't work on no-see-ums, but MosquitoNix offers customized services to rid your home and yard of these pesky insects.
Flies: Flies are one of the most common household insects as well as being one of the most annoying. There are more than 16,000 species of flies in North America alone, but some of the most common types include blow flies, bottle flies, fruit flies, house flies and gnats. Flies are attracted to food waste, along with liquor and beer bottles. These insects have been known to carry a wide variety of pathogens, so keeping your home clean by wiping counters and sweeping up crumbs and keeping all garbage covered is an excellent way to deter flies. MosquitoNix can deliver targeted solutions to get these bugs out of your home and keep them out.
Blind mosquitos: Blind mosquitos usually appear in swarms of what appear to be mosquitos flying around near your head. Despite the name, however, blind mosquitos are actually a type of fly. They don't "bite" to feed on blood or carry diseases, so that makes these a better type of pest in that sense.
However, they can be a real nuisance because they tend to travel in large groups, making the swarms a bit overwhelming at times. In addition, they can leave stains on the paint of your home or your car, and those with allergies may find their condition is aggravated when blind mosquitos are around. MosquitoNix can help get rid of blind mosquitos around your home, so you don't have to deal with these pesky flying insects when they start to swarm.
Spiders: There are tens of thousands of spider species around the world, all with their own quirks and various reasons they want in or out of your home. While some prefer moisture, others are attracted to dry areas, so you really need to stay on top of your home to make sure none of them take up residence. They generally capture other insects as their prey in their delicately strung webs. Spiders often enter homes through cracks and gaps in doors or windows in their search for prey.
Some may end up in the house after being brought inside in a box or other items that were previously outdoors. Because it's difficult to figure out exactly how spiders get in the house, it can be tough to get rid of them on your own. MosquitoNix can help by providing a customized pest control solution to eliminate spiders from your home and come up with a solution to keep them out.

Ants: Ants are particularly clever when it comes to finding their way into your home or garage, as they can get in through even the tiniest cracks. From the large ones that want your bagel crumbs, to those groups of tiny ants that seem to take over your kitchen every summer, each type of ant is annoying, and you want them gone, no matter what type you have to deal with.
Typically, they are attracted to an area because they are in search of water and food. Because they tend to nest out of sight, it's difficult to get rid of them quickly. Ant colonies can grow to number in the hundreds of thousands, so it's not a pest issue you want to take lightly. As soon as you see ants in or around your home, take steps to keep them away by eliminating standing water and exposed food. Wiping counters and sweeping up crumbs, along with making sure trash and food are stored properly will help keep the ants away. If you have a problem with these little bugs, call MosquitoNix for a fast, effective and affordable solution for getting rid of ants.
Fire ants: This variety of ants usually makes it home in the ground along with a colony of up to 250,000 workers. Unlike other ants, which generally leave people alone, fire ants can be extremely active and aggressive. They'll sting animals and humans repeatedly when they come into contact. Their sting is extremely painful and can cause an allergic reaction that could require medical attention.
A fire ant infestation is usually detected by either the painful stings or by observing sandy mounds in the yard. MosquitoNix can perform an inspection to determine the source of the fire ants, and then apply a treatment that eliminates and prevents infestations. This is one type of any you do not want to leave alone, so call in the professionals as soon as you notice these in your yard.
Ticks: Ticks are small, parasitic insects that latch onto the skin of animals and humans to feed on blood. Unlike other insects, ticks don't fly or jump; they wait in grassy or wooded areas to attach to a host when brushed against. Ticks can pose serious health risks as they are known to transmit a number of diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and anaplasmosis.
Because these insects are so dangerous to your health, you need to check for them every time you or your pet come in from outside, especially if you go through any wooded areas with trees or tall grass. MosquitoNix offers powerful, targeted solutions that help reduce tick populations and prevent these dangerous pests from spreading disease. Whether it's for residential areas, commercial locations, or outdoor spaces, MosquitoNix provides effective tick control services.
Beetles (order Coleoptera): There are more than 25,00 beetle species. Some are beneficial, but others will eat wool, other fabrics, grains and even wood, damaging your property and household possessions. To get these out of your home, you would require an indoor treatment that addresses the specific beetle type.
Bed Bugs (genus Cimex): Bed bugs are found not only in bedding, but on fabrics, curtains, furniture, carpeting, wallpaper, electronics, appliances, luggage and anywhere there's a crack or crevice. They require a combination eviction plan of inspection, prevention, treatment and monitoring to keep them away.
Cockroaches (order Blattaria): Some cockroaches could be beneficial, but those that invade your property are pests that can carry diseases. Typically found in kitchens and around food, they enter through cracks, vents, pipes and bags and hide in boxes awaiting to be carried into your home. Adults and eggs can't be eradicated without special equipment and professional services.
Earwigs (order Dermaptera): Earwigs are active at night and hide in cracks in damp locations by day. They're attracted to light and hide underneath damp items, like spots in your pantry or cabinets. They go into buildings to find food or to get to safety when there's a change in the weather. Removing hiding places is a key part of earwig control.
Fleas (order Siphonaptera): Fleas are parasites that feed on blood from a host. They prefer hairy animals but might be in a home looking for a new host after a pet or other animal host is gone. Treatment includes exclusion tactics, eliminating flea habitats outdoors and using chemicals and routine flea control and prevention products for pets.
Fruit Flies (order Diptera) :Fruit flies are found around ripened fruit and vegetables, as well as anything else that ferments. They develop in moist areas where there's standing water and decaying organic material. Keep counters clean, sweep up crumbs as soon as possible, store food in the refrigerator or in containers with lids and keep garbage secure to minimize the risk of these insects moving in your home.
Gnats (class Diptera): Some gnats bite and others don't, but they are all annoying for humans and animals. They feed on insects, plants and blood. They carry parasites and could spread diseases to people and livestock. To minimize gnats, eliminate standing water, let plants dry out before re-watering and don't leave fruit exposed on counters. Contact a professional for outbreaks inside your home or if you notice swarms in your yard.
Millipedes (class Diplopoda): Millipedes are found in damp areas, gardens, mulch and grass clippings. They might enter homes in the fall through basement windows and doors, crawlspace vents and garages. Clear decaying wood, dead leaves and damp boxes to prevent an outbreak, and seal up holes or cracks around any entryways to keep them from getting inside your home. You can vacuum them up or call for pest control services to help take care of these insects in the long term.
Mites (class Arachnida): Mites have four pairs of legs and certain species are parasitic. These attack animal hosts and cause skin irritation and possibly mange in animals, while some others can transfer diseases. There are preventatives and treatments for pets, and a pest control service can handle a large infestation in your home to prevent further complications for your family or fur babies.
Rodents (order Rodentia): Mice and rats contaminate food sources and spread serious diseases. Mice seek food, water and warmth, and rats are found in attics, under porches and in spaces in walls. Sealing holes can keep rodents from coming into homes and businesses and a pest control professional can help remove them.
Silverfish (order Thysanura): Teardrop-shaped silverfish live in damp, dark areas like that found in attics, basements, bathrooms and kitchens. They feed on starches and sugars, silk, linen, book glue, and shampoos and can even be found in unopened food. Though they aren't typically harmful to humans, if you discover a large population of these insects, you should hire a professional pest control company.
Stinging pests: Stinging pests include bees, hornets, scorpions, wasps and yellow jackets. Warm weather increases their population, and the stings may cause series health issues like infections, swelling and nausea. For some with allergic reactions, they may at the least require medical attention, but could even be fatal. A pest control expert can remove the pests and their nest properly and safely, so no one gets harmed.
Stink bugs (order Hemipetera): Most stink bugs are shaped like a shield and are only an annoyance to humans. They're agricultural pests that eat fruit and vegetables. In the winter, they can move into homes through openings and hide in walls, crawl spaces or attics. In the spring, they move out into the open and are seen on windows and walls. They have an unpleasant odor but are otherwise mostly harmless to anyone around them.
Weevils (order Coleoptera): Weevils are a form of beetle, eat plants and may be destructive to food crops. They also feed on stored grain and seeds, and some enter homes in the fall and are seen on windowsills and walls. They can be vacuumed up and there are control methods for these pests, though you may need help from a professional.
Wildlife: Wildlife pests can include bats, birds, moles, opossums, pocket gophers, rabbits, raccoons, skunks, snakes, squirrels, woodchucks and voles. A humane form of wildlife control is the best way to remove wildlife from your home or business, as most of these pests are not harmful to humans and are important to the ecosystem.
How to Combat These Pests
Whether you have or haven't seen any of these bugs around your home, you should know how to take easy, daily steps to take care of them when they do show up.
- Fill in cracks around doors and windows
- Check all screens for tears or scratches in them
- Keep your yard neat, clean and tidy
- Don't forget to keep bushes and tree limbs trimmed
- Scan your yard for any standing water and dump it
- Take away and turn over all possible places for water to collect
- Clean out bird baths and pet bowls routinely
It doesn't take all weekend or a team of people to do a few basic checklist items around your home - both inside and outside - to make sure you do your best to prevent bugs from thinking your home is the bee's knees. Speaking of bees, leave them alone and let them do their thing. Focus more on rodents and mosquitoes.
The inside of your home needs attention in order to keep those bugs out. A trip to the local hardware store for the proper filler for your home is all you need to take care of cracks or holes around your door and window frames to keep bugs out. This will give you the added benefits of a nicer-looking home, aesthetically, while preventing bugs and insects from sneaking inside. Plus, sealing up places air gets through won't hurt your heating and cooling bills, right?
What people tend to forget to check are the screens. Pets can accidentally scratch them, and kids might forget to tell you they were playing with one and made a hole. You also want to check your screens to keep out the bigger flying insects like wasps and bees. Repair and replace the screens in your home as needed.
A clean yard and no pooled, stagnant water will keep the mosquitoes from moving into someone else's space. Get out there in your yard after every storm or rain and tip and dump all standing water, including pet bowls and bird baths.
As soon as you notice one of these pests in your home, garage or yard, give MosquitoNix a call to receive a free consultation and estimate on a solution to your buggy problems. All pest control services are performed by trained, insured and personable technicians to deliver temporary, permanent and portable insect control solutions for homeowners and business owners.
Does the size of the pest determine the level of danger they pose in your home or garden?
The size of the pest does not necessarily determine the level of danger it poses in your home or garden. However, larger insects tend to leave behind more waste, which increases the risk of transmission of disease-causing pathogens. But bites from the smallest insects can carry harmful diseases just as easily as the larger ones.
Can you prevent an infestation from occurring in your home or garden?
Yes - preventive measures include sealing off entry points into buildings (such as cracks around windows or doors), eliminating water sources around the home (like leaky pipes), removing debris piles near exterior walls and regularly cleaning kitchen surfaces where crumbs are often left behind as an attractant for certain species like ants or roaches.
What measures can you take to ensure a thorough elimination of these pests?
Measures taken should involve both physical removal practices and chemical treatments aimed at killing any remaining eggs or larvae so that no further generations will hatch after treatment has been completed.
Keeping your home clean, sealing cracks and holes around windows and doors, checking for holes or tears in screens, dumping standing water outside and keeping your yard mowed and greenery tidy are all ways to keep a lot of insects, pests and critters out of your yard and home.
Are there any medical implications associated with an infestation of these pests?
An infestation of these pests could potentially transmit diseases through their saliva or fecal matter if proper sanitation is not followed. A lot of pests can transfer illnesses and diseases with their bites, and humans and pets have the potential to become infected. People with allergies are at a higher risk of health problems if bitten.
No one wants to find any insect, pest or creature in their home or business, but there is no way to keep them all out all of the time. Prevention is important, but if you find yourself battling with bugs and can't get a handle on the situation yourself with alternative measures, call a pest control service like MosquitoNix for a free quote on how to best handle your specific situation.