Weevil Control - Pest Library - MosquitoNix

Weevils are small, herbivorous beetles that eat plants and are incredibly destructive to crops. While they may seem innocent and seemingly don't pose as large of a threat as other insect species like cockroaches or bed bugs, these pests can be devastating if they infiltrate farms or anywhere where food is stored in large quantities. Not only do they eat through food stores, but they can damage and kill entire crops. Different weevil species have different tastes and methods of destruction. For example, grain or wheat weevils damage grain stores while boll weevils hatch larvae that eat through cotton crops. Weevils are an issue for farms, storehouses, warehouses and more, but are weevils harmful to residential homes? While they don't pose as much of a threat, they can still make their way into your pantry and food, resulting in an infestation. Learn more about these bugs and how they can infiltrate your home to wreak havoc on your pantry or garden from the pros at MosquitoNix®® and our Pest Library.


There are some 60,000 species of weevil worldwide, but three are generally problematic in North America: reddish-brown rice and maize weevils and darker brownish-black grain weevils. Most weevils are slender, oval-shaped beetles less than half an inch long and recognizable by their elongated heads and snouts. These flying insects are attracted to light and can fly more than half a mile in search of food and lodging. They do not bite, sting or carry disease.

Breeding Habits

Female weevils lay about four eggs per day directly inside a grain kernel. When the eggs hatch, the larvae eat the grain and stay there for about 18 days, developing into pupa. After six or seven more days, the fully adult weevil remains in the grain for a few more days while its outer cuticle hardens. Then it is ready to mate. The full lifecycle of a weevil is about five months, and a female can lay up to 400 eggs in that time.


Weevils are a type of beetle, and beetles are the largest and most diverse group of animals on the planet. Weevils are generally found in stored grains, making them easily transported worldwide to anywhere humans live. Weevil insects have been around for millennia, and these prehistoric pests can be found on every single continent except for Antarctica. Different locations have different species of weevil bugs, and while many species will avoid your home entirely, many others can make their way inside.

How to Rid Your Home of  Weevils

Anyone with fruit trees or gardens is vulnerable to weevil infestations. These insects can also be introduced into your home via packaged food or other bulk products. Many times, the food you buy has already been infested with weevil eggs, which hatch in your home. Be extra cautious with starches and grains, such as rice, pasta and flour. Most weevils cause destruction by contamination rather than consumption. Weevils found in stored products will infest large quantities of food and cause expensive damage.

If you find weevils in your home, it's important to dispose of the contaminated food. Throw away the entire package and carefully inspect other packages for chewed holes and other signs of entry. You can also get in the habit of checking packaged foods for holes before you buy them to prevent further infestation. Vacuum up any weevils on walls and furniture. A full removal of weevils requires carefully examining your food stores and preemptively disposing of any contaminated food, which can quickly become expensive. For a more thorough eradication, contact MosquitoNix® for a free estimate on having a trained professional ensure that every weevil has been removed from your home.
