Have you ever had a fly be so annoying it made you want to cry? It lands on your Television, so you get up to try to swat it, and the fly disappears. You hear it in the bathroom, so you go to look for it and can't find it. Then, while you are sleeping, it wakes you up by landing on your nose. If this sounds like a life you have lived, learn why flies are so persistent in annoying you and how you can get them out of your house.
Why Flies Are Persistent
Flies love to eat. You could almost think of a fly as having one mission in life - and that is to eat. You can't really blame them, as food is everything, but flies are extremely persistent in their quest for their next meal.
Because they eat decaying food and animal waste and also breed in those spaces, which happen to almost always be in the vicinity of humans, it seems like flies are always around to bother you.
Flies have a great sense of smell. Not only do flies love to eat, but they have an extremely heightened sense of smell that even the smallest of crumbs cannot escape. If the food gives off even the smallest odor, a fly can sniff it out. If you leave any food out, from baked goods to those bananas turning brown on the counter, a fly will find it.
Flies don't care how small the food is. Clean your counters often and after every meal to brush away the crumbs that will call to the flies.
Flies are more nimble than you think. They are fast and are amazing fliers. Their name is appropriate. They can be persistent because they know they can outmaneuver your swats and come back for more.
How to Eliminate Flies in Your Home
It is all about the food. From cleaning up after meals to storing food properly, put all food away where flies won't smell it and try to get to it. Clean counters, sweep and do general cleaning after every meal to reduce the chance of crumbs getting left behind. Put all food away, and anything in your pantry should be in containers with lids.
Use natural fly repellant around your home. Flies do not like the scent of basil, peppermint, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, lemongrass or sage. You could put a few of your favorites in apple cider vinegar and spray it around your home to send a fly buzzing somewhere else.
Protect the perimeter. Check your doors and windows for any cracks or holes around the frames, and don't forget about checking the screens for tears.
Call in pest control professionals. If you have a fly infestation and need backup getting them out of your house, a local pest control service like MosquitoNix can give you a free quote for how best to solve your fly problem.
Flies are non-stop in their pursuit of food - which, even though one can appreciate that fact, means they will be nothing but an annoyance to humans around the food source. To deter these persistent pests, keep your home clear of food and crumbs, clean regularly, put all food away in containers with lids and if all else fails, contact your local, compassionate and knowledgeable team at MosquitoNix.
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