When is Peak Mosquito Season? – Mosquito Control

When is Peak Mosquito Season? – Mosquito Control

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February 06, 2025

Mosquitoes can get the better of us, ruining our outdoor fun with friends and family. Instead of accepting the reality of bug bites every time you step outside, you can try to outsmart these pesky insects by avoiding mosquitoes when they are most active. Is there a mosquito season, and when does it end? Let's look closer at when and where mosquitoes are most active and annoying.

Identifying Peak Mosquito Season

One evening outside can result in dozens of mosquito bites - plus several days of physical discomfort afterward. But there's a darker side to these little insects due to climate change and vector-borne diseases.

Mosquitoes are potential vectors (carriers) of dangerous diseases like dengue fever, yellow fever, malaria, West Nile and Zika. Becoming aware of the peak mosquito season in your neck of the woods can help you protect your health just as much as safeguard your physical comfort. You'll want to avoid irritating and itchy bites, as well as severe and sometimes deadly mosquito-borne illnesses.

Peak Mosquito Season by U.S. Region

The peak time of year for mosquitoes can vary depending on where you live in North America. Mosquitoes have adapted to their environments well, and different species can tolerate cooler temperatures than others.

With over 3,500 mosquito species, these biting insects have different life cycles, habitats and tolerance to cold weather that help them survive and thrive. Generally, warmer climates experience longer mosquito seasons compared to colder climates. Here is how mosquito season shapes up according to the region of the country:

  • Gulf Coast, Florida and Hawaii - February through November
  • South and Southwest - March through September
  • Mid-Atlantic, Midwest and West - April through September
  • New England, Northern Midwest and Pacific Northwest - May through September

What does that tell us about peak mosquito season? No matter where you are, you can expect to deal with mosquitoes and their itchy bites throughout the summertime. That reality is true for all of the U.S. and almost the rest of the planet as well; the only two places on Earth that are generally mosquito-free are Antarctica and Iceland.

Cooler weather in December and January may offer a momentary reprieve from mosquitoes in most parts of the country, but keep in mind that a warm winter enjoying balmy breezes and sunny days in a tropical setting means you have to deal with pesky mosquitoes.

Even if your region gets a break during winter, it's never too early to implement a mosquito control system to minimize the inconvenience and discomfort of sharing your outdoor space with biting insects.

Temperature and Moisture

At what temperature do mosquitoes die, and when do they start to become active? These are important questions as well, because mosquito activity is tied to the weather in addition to climate. Shifts in temperature and rainfall help experts anticipate the onset of mosquito season, and some local news even includes a mosquito forecast to let you know what to expect.

As temperatures hike up above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, mosquitoes become more active. Some hibernating mosquitoes may come out and look for a quick meal to help them produce eggs. While some flying insects may surface, things don't really heat up until the temperatures do; mosquitoes need consistently warm temperatures, over 70 degrees Fahrenheit, to thrive.

Rain is the other key factor that can help mosquitoes get back in business. Lots of rain will cause their eggs to hatch, increasing mosquito populations. And they aren't picky either; mosquitoes are quite content claiming standing water in an old flowerpot, under a bush or by a clogged drain to be their new breeding grounds. Warmer weather also helps mosquitoes pass through their life cycles faster, causing more eggs to hatch in less time.

Mosquitoes need warm and moist environments, which factors into why climate change and vector-borne diseases are so closely related. Sustained regional changes in temperature, humidity and rainfall may mean more mosquitoes. The warmer the region, the greater the spread of these diseases.

Once temperatures drop below 50 degrees again, the mosquitoes become less active and may die off or go into hibernation until the climate heats up again. That's how the cycle continues, but you can throw a wrench into their perfect design to protect your residential or commercial property.

MosquitoNix® Mosquito Map: U.S.

Mosquito Control in your area with MosquitoNix


Our MosquitoNix Mosquito Map is a useful resource to determine which state has the fewest or largest mosquito population. By paying attention to mosquito population maps by state, you can see when peak mosquito season begins in your area.

Preventing Mosquitoes Before Peak Season Arrives

What steps can you take to prevent an active mosquito season on your property? Do whatever you can to eliminate standing water from your yard, even from clogged gutters or children's toys. Make sure your window and door screens are in good shape to keep flying bugs out of your home.

Also, stock up on insect repellent products and insecticides to protect your skin and kill eggs and larvae. You won't eliminate mosquito activity near your home completely, but you can reduce it. Don't let mosquitoes ruin your summer before it even starts by establishing their habitat on your property.

Calling for Reinforcements

For a dramatic decrease in mosquito-related issues, contact MosquitoNix as soon as these pests become a problem - or even beforehand. We offer a variety of specialized spray systems to get rid of mosquitoes around your home, office or place of work.

We can set up a completely automated repellent system that emits several 45-second sprays per day to give you that mosquito-free open-air space you've always wanted, whenever you want to use it. We also have short-term solutions for special events like outdoor weddings, family reunions, parties and cookouts.

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