
West Nile Virus found in West Texas Update

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December 13, 2017

The West Nile virus has become less of a threat in some parts of the country, but unfortunately, it remains a potential hazard for those in West Texas. With humid weather and occasional hurricanes create damp conditions where mosquitos thrive, the incidences of West Nile have spiked in recent months, particularly in August and September. According to the CDC, the number of West Nile virus cases in Texas in 2017 are numbered at 120 as of October 31. Compared to the number of cases reported in nearby states like Louisiana (43), Arkansas (14), Oklahoma (32) and New Mexico (27), it's clear to see why Texas residents are concerned.

A Texas Department of State Health Services map of affected counties for 2017 shows that West Texas has certainly been hit hard by West Nile, particularly in the panhandle. So, what can those in West Texas do to protect themselves? Learn more about the most recent information on the West Nile outbreak and how you can keep your family sale.

Latest News on West Nile in Texas

After the late summer spike in cases, many Texas residents have been curious to know whether West Nile virus is still a serious threat. Unfortunately, the virus continues to spread in many areas of the state despite cooler weather setting in. In Frisco, the city announced that it would be spraying for mosquitos after one mosquito pool tested positive for West Nile virus in early October. This marks the 18th pool testing positive for the virus in 2017.

Even some areas that had been spared previously are now are having to deal with the spread of West Nile. In the Westlake area of Austin, a mosquito tested positive for West Nile virus in early October, marking the first positive test for West Nile virus in Austin in 2017.

Protecting Against West Nile

With the information about the spread of West Nile across the state, including cities and towns where the virus has not previously been an issue, it's wise for all Texas residents to take steps to protect themselves and their families against this dangerous disease. Use the following tips to reduce your risk of contracting West Nile virus:

  • Drain any standing water near your property. These pools act as a breeding ground for mosquitos.
  • Dress in light-colored, long-sleeved clothes when you go outside.
  • Be aware that mosquitos are most active between dusk and dawn.

If you don't want to constantly have to worry about mosquitos and the threat of West Nile virus, we recommend using MosquitoNix® mosquito control services. It's the best way to ensure that your outdoor areas are free from mosquitos. While the steps above are great for reducing your risk, they still won't keep all mosquitos away. But as the leading expert in full-service mosquito control, MosquitoNix can keep mosquitos out of sight and out of mind all day and all night.

Our misting and fogging systems can be customized to your home or your business. Regular, ongoing treatment ensures that mosquitos stay away and won't breed on your property. We can also spray before a special outdoor event for added protection. For on-the-go spot protection, use our portable insecticide dispenser.

As West Nile virus continues to create potential hazards for Texas residents, do the smart thing by protecting your family with MosquitoNix. Get a free quote or contact us at 844-483-3213 to learn more today.

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