Mosquito Tips for Summer -

Mosquito Tips for Summer

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May 18, 2018

The carefree days of summer are almost upon us: Balmy breezes, long days, family time and vacations are all part of the fun that kids of all ages look forward to each year. But mosquitos can put a damper on the fun of summer and can be unwelcome guests at your party. Those itchy bumps can range from a mild inconvenience to a big headache for those who have allergies. And with the prevalence and reality of vector-borne diseases such as Zika, West Nile virus and more, now is not the time to let the mosquito protection slide. We've put together some suggestions you can employ to minimize these buggy bothers around your home, campground and recreation areas - feel free to check out our guide to Mosquito Borne Illnesses as well here.

No Standing Water

Do you have standing water around your property, such as a planter that collected rainwater during that last cloudburst? Do you have a decorative fountain or a birdbath on your property? Lakes, ponds, kids' pools, rain gutters and plates under plants can all be breeding grounds for mosquitos. Even something as small as a bottle cap can provide the female mosquito with plenty of room to lay her eggs. Take a close look around the perimeter of your yard with a discerning eye and look for opportune areas that you eliminate.

Cover Your Bottom Half

Some biting insects go after ankles and feet; they are attracted to the sweaty, often bacteria-ridden areas around your toes. Although flip flops are the preferred footwear of summer, if you are outside when mosquitos are most active - such as at dusk - it may be worth wearing socks, long pants and sneakers.

Choose Your Clothing Carefully

When you are out, wear lightweight clothes that are light-colored and that cover your arms and your legs. Studies have shown that mosquitos are attracted to dark colors, so banish the dark colors in your wardrobe and opt for white or light-colored clothing.

Prepare for the Day

Having an outdoor party, wedding, picnic or family reunion? MosquitoNix® can help the mosquito situation by preparing your perimeter. Our mosquito fogging treatments will help bust the bugs for up to 72 hours by employing high-tech solutions to your pesky pest problems. Our QuickNix™ Three-Step Process begins with an inspection and an evaluation to determine which options are the best for your situation, then we apply an effective treatment for trees, bushes and foliage. Finally, our mosquito eradication system uses larvicides to prevent future breeding. Be comfortable at your next outdoor jam by calling MosquitoNix in advance.

Take it with You!

MosquitoNix offers a revolutionary portable dispenser that releases a DUSK/DAWN® sensor to spray insecticide when mosquitos are most active. Our affordable MosquitoNix On-the-Go Dispenser is an easy, inexpensive way to take effective mosquito protection with you to your campgrounds, get-togethers, hunting trips and other outdoor events. Our unit uses an EPA-approved botanical insecticide that is effective and all-natural. This portable spraying Mosquito Defense Unit can be taken with you quickly and easily, thanks to its lightweight 2-pound design. It kills mosquitos, clover mites, cluster flies, wasps and mud daubers, and protects up to 300 square feet. This remote-controlled unit is powered by four AA batteries (not included), and each canister lasts for one whole month.

Contact MosquitoNix to learn about all of our affordable, state-of-the-art treatments that will help win the battle against mosquitos and other flying insects this summer, so you can enjoy your days worry free.

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