Jacksonville, FL Pest Guide | Insect & Rodent Identification

Jacksonville, FL Pest Guide | Insect & Rodent Identification

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February 06, 2025

If you want a stunning stretch of 22 miles of beaches to stroll or paddle down, fish in or surf on, Jacksonville, Florida, has what you want. While it's known as Florida's Shrimp Capital, the area is also known for some lesser-liked wildlife in the form of insects and other pests.

If you want to know what kind of flying insects or crawling creatures might try to make their way into your home in Jacksonville, we have the list for you to get familiar with.


Ants are the insects most found in homes in Jacksonville. The types you will normally find are carpenter, fire, acrobat, big-headed and Argentine ants. While most are just a nuisance, ones like the fire ant can bite you if provoked. The bites of these ants don't feel great and can burn with pain.

Chinch Bug

If you have St. Augustine grass, you know how problematic chinch bugs are. This common lawn pest is everywhere in Florida, and turns your grass yellow after injecting it with a toxin that will eventually kill it. Grass moths are no joke, so you want these taken care of as soon as possible.


It isn't called the Gulf Coast tick for no reason. Ticks are a huge problem in the Jacksonville area, so after every walk, you should check yourself for these disease-carrying and transmitting insects. The warm weather and long summer season mean residents will deal with ticks almost the entire year.


The regular cockroaches are commonly found in Jacksonville, but the Palmetto bug is the main event.

Palmetto Bugs

This cockroach loves dark, warm, moist environments, like your pantry. If they contaminate your food, you could find yourself face-to-face with salmonella. Another con of these bugs is they can trigger asthma and allergy attacks. Though they mostly stay outside, if you find them in your home, you should get rid of them immediately and call the professionals.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are great travelers, and with all the coming and going to and from Florida, it's no surprise the state has a lot of them. If you visit Jacksonville or have anyone visit you there, check your headboard and mattresses for these tiny insects. They come out at night and go for any exposed skin while you sleep.


The Formosan subterranean termite, which came to Florida back in the 1980s, can do massive damage in as little as three months. From fences to the foundation, these can't be left alone to feed, or they will destroy what they find.

Millipedes and Centipedes

Though they look like things of nightmares, millipedes and centipedes can leave a horrible odor when trying to burrow holes around your home.


House mice, the Norway rat and the black rat are all common in the Jacksonville area. These can all destroy your food stores, carry diseases and can chew through your clothing, wires and even the insulation of your home.

Stinging Insects

While we love the bees, no one wants to find them in the living room, but they are common in Florida. The other big flying insects all over Florida are wasps, and their sting is not something you want to get to know.


The humid Florida climate is perfect for silverfish. These silvery pests aren't really fish, but really are a nuisance for homeowners. They are quick, can move sideways and will find a dark hiding place in your house if you let them. You want these gone as soon as possible so they don't get into your pantry because they feed on starchy foods.

The Most Basic (and Annoying) Flying Insects in Jacksonville


While Florida has regular flies, the Stable Fly is one to look out for. Also called a Dog Fly, this one will bite you and your pet. It likes to hang out in patches of seaweed and will attack anyone who gets too close.


Also known as biting gnats, sand flies, biting midges or punkies, no-see-ums are everywhere in Florida. The humid weather, rain and moist conditions make no-see-ums flock to Jacksonville.


With the rain, humidity, temperatures, weather and proximity to other places like Cuba and South America, Jacksonville has the mosquitoes. There are over 47 types of mosquitoes that Jacksonville residents live with, and their activity is high for a good portion of the year.

Conditions These Insects Like

To help keep these insects away from your yard and home, you should know what they are attracted to. By being aware of these reasons why these insects come to your yard and home and eliminating the conditions you can, you can reduce the chance of insects, rodents and other bugs from making your house their home and coming into your yard.

  • Rainy weather
  • Moisture and humidity
  • Any amount of standing water
  • Pet food and water (inside and outside bowls)
  • Unmowed yards and wild greenery
  • Messy piles of wood or other materials left in the yard
  • Clogged-up gutters and drains
  • Dirty garbage and recycling cans and bins
  • Overripe and rotting food and fruits left out

How to Protect Yourself and Your Home

To protect yourself, your home and your pets from these pesky pests, there are a few simple tips to do regularly.

  • Take care of your yard and keep the lawn tidy and mowed and greenery trimmed
  • Wear bug spray with DEET when you go outside, especially in woodsy areas
  • Wear loose and long clothing
  • Keep your home's entrances repaired, checking for cracks and holes around doors and windows
  • Repair any tears and holes in screens as needed

When to Call the Professionals

You never have to try to handle an infestation alone. The caring and experienced team at MosquitoNix is well-versed in handling all kinds of insects, rodents and other bugs. At least call for a free quote and to see what can be done for your situation.

The many family-friendly attractions that draw people to Jacksonville every year can be enjoyed almost the entire year. But that same gorgeous weather that lets you walk down the St. Johns River is the same that lets the mosquitoes remain active for longer than anyone wants. Know the insects and rodents that can be found in Jacksonville, so you can understand how to keep them away from your home.

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