A Multi-Layered Approach to Effective Fly Control
When you see flies in your commercial establishment, it's a sure sign of unsanitary conditions. The presence of flies will leave a negative impression on your customers, and can even lead to a loss of business. The MosquitoNix fly control program can be easily added to your existing pest control service plan, or you can choose it as a one-off service. Our comprehensive, multifaceted service puts a barrier of protection around your property and combines that with targeted fly control treatment. The end result is no more flies bugging your business or customers.
Flies are a general nuisance and carry an abundance of diseases. When a fly lands on an object or your food, they can spread dysentery, typhoid, anthrax, tuberculosis and cholera through their legs. MosquitoNix Fly Control service offers a two-step approach to fly control.
MosquitoNix Fly Control service is performed by our trained pest control team routinely, delivering a reduction in fly population by at least 90% during the first month of treatment.
Why You Should Get Rid of Flies
Not only are flies a nuisance, but one can become many quickly. They breed faster than you'd think. This means if you don't take care of them immediately, you will have an infestation on your hands. They are an unhygienic pest, and not only spread diseases like typhoid or dysentery, but can cause a person to have food poisoning if they eat infected food or food that is on an infected surface.
Some species will bite humans, which is never fun. These bites can not only be painful, but could cause an allergic reaction in some people. Flies will not only bite people, but animals, so it is best to keep everyone safe and get rid of these pests immediately.
Fly Prevention and Control Methods
Before you have to deal with an infestation of flies in your business or home, you can take preventative measures to keep these annoying flying insects away from the start. A big reason flies come to your business or property is to look for food. To make them look elsewhere, routine cleaning is important. Wipe down counters, sweep up crumbs and make sure all food is stored away properly. When it comes to the trash, change it regularly and keep a lid on any cans, if possible.
Funnily enough, flies are not the best fliers in heavy winds. Using fans will help keep them away since they will struggle against the extra air. You could also spray your business or property with scents flies do not like. Eucalyptus, cinnamon, peppermint, lavender and lemongrass oil are all great options that flies and other insects want to stay away from.
Before you find yourself with a business where flies are the only customer, call a compassionate and experienced team, like your local MosquitoNix, and make sure these flying insects buzz around somewhere else.