Tips for a Pest-Free Home in Spartanburg: Mosquito Solutions and More

Tips for a Pest-Free Home in Spartanburg: Mosquito Solutions and More

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November 07, 2024

Everyone wants a safe, clean home without bugs or other pests trying to move in and be free-loading roommates. If you live in places like Spartanburg, you know that is true more than most people. From the tropical storms, hurricanes and other things mother nature throws at you bringing the wind and rain, all you think about is how many mosquitos will be in your yard by the end of the week. We have tips for Spartanburg residents-and anyone else dealing with a mosquito takeover-to keep your home pest-free.

Tips to Bugs at Bay

It may feel overwhelming when you know the warmer months are coming and the mosquitos, flying bugs and other critters are about to have their moment. You want to jump into the outdoor lifestyle as soon as the first warm day hits, but you don't want to drench yourself in bug spray like a chicken wing in ranch.

Inside Your Home

Seeing a mosquito fly around your living room is one thing, but hearing it and not knowing where it is, is like how a horror movie starts.

  • Check all of your screens-windows and doors
  • Thoroughly inspect all window and door frames
  • Clean your home regularly

Bugs look for cracks and holes to enter your home when the weather outside gets bad. To protect your home, start on the inside to make sure bugs can't find a way to move in. Look at all windows and doors, top to bottom, frame to screen. Any holes around the frames need to be filled in to reduce points of entry. It's a quick fix with a quick trip to a home repair store to gather supplies.

What people might forget to check are the screens. If you have pets, you never know if a little paw has put the tiniest hole in it.

We know cleaning isn't everyone's favorite-unless you rock out to an awesome '90s jams Spotify playlist-but it needs to be done regularly to provide a clean and healthy environment for yourself, pets and family.

Outside Your Home

Whether you love to be out in the yard or just want to enjoy a cold drink in the sun, maintaining the outside of your home is important. It is also important for flying insects, as it's where they breed and lay eggs that turn into more mosquitos looking for an arm or leg to bite.

  • Dump standing water
  • Keep bushes/trees trimmed and grass short
  • Put away items like kiddie pools, buckets or others that could collect water
  • Routinely clean your gutters
  • Check for leaking outdoor fixtures
  • Inspect your yard after every storm

After every storm or rainfall, get outside and look for standing water. Even your outdoor furniture is a home for mosquitos if there is even the littlest pool of water.

Maintain outdoor water fixtures to prevent leaks, replace busted hoses and check your gutters to keep mosquitos from finding a new home in your yard. If you like to play in the yard, remember to put away anything that had water in it or could collect water, even down to buckets, pots or pet water dishes.

From Spartanburg to wherever you are, follow these tips and you will see a reduction in the mosquitos and flying insects trying to take over your outdoor space. If you need additional help, professionals experienced in pest control solutions are always there for an additional barrier between you and bug bites.

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