Charlotte, North Carolina, is known for its beautiful history going back to the Revolutionary War, with streets still holding onto their 18th-century names. It has a cultural hub everyone needs to visit, with the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art and the Science and Technology Museum, the Discovery Place, are just a couple of places you could get lost in. It is also a popular destination for many due to the gorgeous weather that keeps people outside.
Unfortunately, that weather is also a big reason why people have to battle with some pretty intense bugs. If you live in Charlotte, NC, these are the five top pests you have to deal with and how to get them to leave you and your family alone.
We should mention that it goes without saying, that if you live in a warm weather area that has a lot of moisture in the air, high humidity and wet weather, you will not be able to escape mosquitos. Mosquitoes carry diseases like Zika or West Nile virus and their bites can leave itchy welts that last for weeks.
AntsWhile not as dangerous as mosquitoes, ants are still rather annoying. If they get into your house and your food sources, though, you could be left with problems. No one wants to throw out food because ants are hanging out in the box, and no one wants to spend more money rebuying anything.
SpidersYes, some say spiders bring good luck and protection over your house. But not all spiders wear capes, and ones like the black widow or brown recluse will not only leave a painful bite, but could cause long-term health effects for humans.
While the biggest problem they bring is they are fast little suckers and hard to catch, the German cockroach is most seen in North Carolina. Let's face it, no one wants to see any type of cockroach in their home.
Orange-Striped OakwormsThese are technically caterpillars, but not the type you want to see on your trees. As their name gives away, these orange-striped creatures like oak trees, but have been known to make a home in hickory, birch and maple trees and will eat the leaves.
There are simple, quick and easy things anyone can do to help pests want to find a cozy home somewhere other than your yard.
See? That's not all so hard to do. Most of it will give you a bit of a workout and something to do. When all else fails, you might have to call in the professionals to spray your yard. These days, there are eco-friendly and safe options, so you don't have to worry about your family or pets. The professionals can help walk you through what your specific outdoor lifestyle needs are and can help come up with a plan to keep the pests away and get you outside again.
Charlotte, North Carolina, is a stunning place to live, work and play. The weather makes it an outdoor enthusiast's dream. Stay outside and keep the bugs away to get the most out of living in such a gorgeous place.
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