Tampa, FL Pest Guide | Insect & Rodent Identification

Tampa, FL Pest Guide | Insect & Rodent Identification

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February 06, 2025

Whether you want to take in the gorgeous 2.5-mile-long Tampa Riverwalk or take the family to Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida, has something for everyone. Drawing tourists and locals out to take in the over 243 sunny days a year the area sees, the warm weather also brings something else to the yard - in the form of flying insects and other bugs.

If you live in the Tampa area or are planning to take a visit there, learn about which insects you could come across so you can protect yourself, your family and your pets from bites, illnesses or from just being annoyed.


Florida has so many spiders - at least 30 different species to choose from - so Tampa residents need to be on the lookout. Small black jumping spiders might not be so scary, but the wolf spider might make you scream if you find one.


Palmetto Bugs

This type of cockroach loves dark, warm, moist environments, like your pantry. If they contaminate your food, you could also find yourself face-to-face with salmonella. Another con of these bugs is they can trigger asthma and allergy attacks. Though they do mostly stay outside, if you find one in your home, you need to get rid of it immediately.

The regular old cockroaches are still a menace in Tampa, so if you see those, you want to call in the professionals.


The humid Florida climate is perfect for silverfish. These silvery pests aren't really fish, but really are a nuisance for homeowners. They are quick, can move sideways and will find a dark hiding place in your house if you let them. You want these gone as soon as possible so they don't get into your pantry because they feed on starchy foods.

Bed Bugs

With all the travel and the summer weather, bed bugs love Florida. These nocturnal insects wait until you are asleep to bite any exposed skin they can find, so check your mattresses and headboards for these little creatures.


While Florida has regular flies, the Stable Fly is one to look out for. Also called a Dog Fly, this one will bite you and your pet, so avoid it at all costs. The wind sends these flies on their way, but they love to gather near seaweed, so steer clear of that when in Tampa.

Bees and Wasps

While we love the bees, no one wants to find them in the living room. But wasps are all over Florida, and their sting is not something you want to experience.


If you have driven through a swarm of lovebugs, you know you have to wash your car after. The aftermath from these bugs smashed on your car can even damage the paint.


Also known as biting gnats, sand flies, biting midges or punkies, no-see-ums are everywhere in Florida. Tampa sees a great amount of them thanks to the climate and water sources everywhere.


With the rain, humidity, temperatures, weather, and proximity to other places like Cuba and South America, Tampa sees a high number of mosquitoes. The area basically never gets a break from the flying insects, which is horrible since they carry diseases like West Nile virus and Eastern equine encephalitis. Mosquito season can go from March until October, but mosquitoes can pop up anytime the weather gets over 50 degrees Fahrenheit. In the Tampa area, Dengue Fever is on the rise, so it's even more important to protect yourself against mosquitoes there.


Ants are common almost everywhere, but especially in Tampa. The carpenter ant and fire ant are the most common, but the fire ant is the one you want to avoid. Though it doesn't usually go after humans, you don't want to get bit if you provoke a fire ant hill.


The Formosan termite, which came to Florida in the 1980s, can do a whole lot of damage in as little as a few months, so these need to be exterminated as soon as possible.

Conditions These Insects Like

To help keep these insects away from your yard and home, you should know what they are attracted to. By eliminating and checking on these things, you can reduce the chance of insects, rodents and other bugs from making your house their home.

  • Rainy weather
  • Moisture and humidity
  • Any amount of standing water
  • Pet food and water (inside and outside bowls)
  • Wild, unmowed yards and greenery
  • Messy piles of wood or other materials in the yard
  • Clogged-up gutters and drains
  • Dirty garbage and recycling cans and bins
  • Overripe and rotting food and fruits left out

How to Protect Yourself and Your Home

Florida is known for mosquitoes because of the weather, but there are a lot of other insects to know about in the Tampa area. To best protect yourself, your home and your pets from these pesky pests, there are a few simple tips to do your best to do regularly.

  • Take care of your yard and keep the lawn tidy and mowed and greenery trimmed
  • Wear bug spray with DEET when you go outside, especially in woodsy areas
  • Wear loose and long clothing
  • Keep your home's entrances repaired, checking for cracks and holes around doors and windows
  • Repair any tears and holes in screens as needed

When to Call the Professionals

If you can't tackle these insects on your own, there are always helpful and experienced people, like those at your local MosquitoNix, who can come and help. Call for a free quote and see what can be done about your insect problem. There's no reason to suffer in silence or let these pests take over your yard or home.

People flock to Florida for the beautiful, sunny weather, beaches and parks. While all of those are amazing, and the Florida Aquarium and Morean Arts Center are must-visit spots, residents who want to enjoy their backyard and home should be aware of the other visitors of the flying kind. Every city and state has a specific list of insects and bugs that are local residents, and if you live in Tampa, these are yours.

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