Signs You Might be Allergic to Mosquito Bites

Signs You Might be Allergic to Mosquito Bites

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February 06, 2025

One of the most common reactions people have to getting a mosquito bite is developing red, itchy bumps. Why do mosquito bites itch? Mosquito bites form and itch in reaction to the flying insect's saliva. Your immune system sees the saliva as an allergen and "attacks" it with histamine, which causes the itchiness. For most people, this is annoying and uncomfortable, but doesn't last too long or require medical interventions. (You can even stop bug bites from itching in seconds with the right remedies.)

However, for some people, the reaction to the mosquito bite goes beyond small, itchy bumps; in some cases, they may develop a huge bump along with unbearable itching. If you or someone you know has experienced this, you may be wondering: Can someone be allergic to mosquito bites? The answer is yes, they can. It even has a name: When you have an allergic reaction to a mosquito's saliva, it is called skeeter syndrome.

What You Should Know About Skeeter Syndrome

Skeeter syndrome is an allergic reaction to the proteins that exist within the saliva of mosquitoes. It was first discovered in 1999, and if you are allergic to mosquito bites, these large bumps can develop within minutes or hours of a mosquito sucking your blood.

While having large, extremely itchy bumps can be tough to live with, most people don't seek medical treatment for this reaction. It usually clears up in a few days or with allergy treatments, including hydrocortisone creams or antihistamine oral medications.

However, in addition to large bumps, some people will develop more severe reactions to mosquito bites. These can include your face puffing up, your eyes swelling shut or your entire leg or arm (or wherever you were bitten) becoming red, hot and swollen. In severe cases, some people have even developed blisters, vomiting, a fever or trouble breathing. This last symptom, also known as anaphylaxis, can be life-threatening, although this is very rare. Being allergic to a mosquito bite usually isn't as dangerous as being allergic to wasp or bee stings, which can often necessitate the use of an EpiPen or other medication. That said, a mosquito allergy can still be extremely uncomfortable at best and dangerous at worst - and that's not even accounting for the life-threatening diseases like West Nile and Zika that mosquito bites can transmit. It's also not accounting for the dangers of developing an infected mosquito bite, which can lead to an abbess or cellulitis.

swollen hand

Reducing Your Chances of Reacting to Mosquito Bites

It is possible to determine if you are allergic to mosquito bites. An allergist will be able to do skin tests that will let you know if you react to the mosquito's saliva. However, if you want to reduce your chances of having an allergic reaction to mosquito bites in the first place, your best course of action is to prevent them from occurring.

One of the best ways to do this is to have MosquitoNix® come out to your home or business and put a pest control system in place. Depending on your needs, this might include a misting system or having fogging treatments done on a regular basis. MosquitoNix is unique in that we offer an effective yet natural, eco-friendly way to get rid of mosquitoes. If you have sensitivities to chemicals, this could be your best option when it comes to getting rid of mosquitoes and other flying insects, including flies, gnats, fleas and more.

But what if you are allergic to mosquito bites and want to go on an outdoor adventure? When it comes to protecting yourself on the go, you should consider using our portable pest repellant system. Whether you are camping or heading to the park for a picnic, you can keep mosquitoes at bay. This reduces your chances of getting bitten and having a reaction.

Lean How MosquitoNix Can Help

Mosquito bites in general aren't a lot of fun, but they can be even worse if you are allergic. Even if you don't suffer from skeeter syndrome, MosquitoNix provides the solutions you need for keeping yourself, your loved ones and even your pets protected from bites. Contact MosquitoNix for your customized pest prevention system! We offer free quotes and virtual consultation options.

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