Protecting Your Home from Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes in Augusta, GA

Protecting Your Home from Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes in Augusta, GA

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January 31, 2025

If you have ever smacked a mosquito on your arm and then wondered if you just caught a disease, we don't blame you. It is so dangerous to be bitten by a mosquito because you never know which ones are carrying diseases that are harmful to humans and pets. When you go outside, you know you will go up against mosquitos and other flying insects. In your home, you are supposed to feel safe and go to bed at ease and not wake up to 20 new bug bites. If you want to make sure those pesky pests don't make it into your home for a second helping you or your pets, this is what to do to keep your house as bug-free as possible when you live in Augusta, GA.

Why Mosquitos Are Dangerous

Mosquitos are the main insect carriers of diseases. From Zika to West Nile, these insects can be infected with all kinds of viruses. The second they bite a human, one is at risk of contracting it. Unless you regularly get tested for these viruses, you may not know you have them. Being sick isn't something anyone wants to be, but having a virus with extreme symptoms will not be a good time.

How Mosquitos Get Inside

It doesn't matter if your home is new or old, insects want to find a way in. Some bugs don't like storms and will try to hide safely in your house. Some want to attack the wooden items inside your home. Others want to see what's going on and don't care where they end up as long as they get a snack. No matter the reason for the insect getting in your home, you don't want it in there.

Why You Don't Want Mosquitos in Your Home

Once in the comfort of your home, you should feel safe from collecting more bug bites like infinity stones. You let your guard down, wash your bug spray off and generally don't sit on the couch with a swatter for rogue bugs once you're inside. Then, at the end of the day, you go to sleep. This is prime time for the bugs that found their way in to crawl and fly around and may end up on you for a snack in the middle of the night.

With easy access to you, you are less likely to kill the mosquito before it bites you. This is not good because that is how they transfer diseases. You don't want them in your home where you are sitting ducks.

How to Protect Your Home

There are things anyone can do to keep the bugs at bay. Most things aren't going to cost you a lot of money-just your time and careful eye. Part of living in a building is routinely checking to make sure you are the only one living in it.

Start With Your Yard

We know being out in the Georgia sun doing yard work isn't your idea of a good time. Maybe it is, but it gets too hot to move in Augusta during the summer. But if you don't take care of your yard, you are sending a Bat Signal to the bugs that your yard is now open for bug business.

Law maintenance is important because it puts some distance between you and the insects. Mosquitos, fleas, ticks and other bugs like to hide out in the grass. The taller the grass gets, the more places to hide and the more space to hold more bugs. It's a vicious cycle. Not only should you keep your grass short, but rotate in trimming trees and bushes, and don't forget to take that weed wacker to places your mower can't reach.

Check for Water

So many insects breed and lay their eggs in standing water. Moist, humid air is like a beacon for bugs. Walk your property and dump and water, tip chairs to eliminate puddles and if you have any pet water bowls out there, bring them in. If you have adorable bird baths in your yard, those need to be cleaned regularly as well.

Clean Your Gutters

It is not the easiest job, but you need to get your gutters cleaned out often. This will help reduce the areas where mosquitos can breed and lay eggs. Water may pool due to clogged gutters from leaves or other debris from a storm, so do a check after.

Not only will your yard look amazing, but you will keep yourself and your family protected from certain insects getting too close.

Check Doors and Windows

This one will take some time and require you to slow down. If you notice mosquitos and other insects getting in, there is probably an issue with a door or window somewhere. Grab some caulk and look over your windows carefully. Any cracks or holes are an entrance for bugs. Like how cats are liquid fur, insects will get into the tiniest holes.

Don't forget to check all doors for the same. This will also help your electric bill as cold or hot air is getting in as well, which will affect your utility bill.

The screens are the last important area to check. The smallest tear means insects can make it through. Not only that, but some bugs are small enough to fit through some mesh sizes. If you have a real problem, you might need new screens with smaller squares.

Being a home owner is hard work with all of the never-ending tasks we have to complete each day. If all the ways to protect your home feel overwhelming, you should talk to a pest or mosquito control service. With a free consultation, you can see what it would take for someone else to turn your home into a fortress where insects and mosquitos cannot enter. Choose hassle-free and non-toxic services to keep you family protected.

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