North Texas, FL Pest Guide | Insect & Rodent Identification

North Texas, FL Pest Guide | Insect & Rodent Identification

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January 14, 2025

Made up of 32 counties and comprised of a rich cultural and historical past, North Texas is the most visited area in the Lone Star State. With a diverse economy that makes it great for families, the humid, subtropical weather makes for many outside days to enjoy. It also makes it ideal for a variety of insects and other bugs to thrive. Here are the common insects, rodents and other bugs the North Texas area has in store.


While Florida has many types of flies, the Crane fly, also known as mosquito hawks, comes down and swarms Texas during the summertime. They are often confused with mosquitoes, but don't have mouths, so they can't bite you.


Also known as biting gnats, sand flies, biting midges or punkies, no-see-ums are all over North Texas. The humid weather, rain and moist conditions make these annoying bugs a Texas staple. Watch out for their bites. Just because they are small doesn't mean their bites don't pack a punch.


You can't escape ants, and North Texas has carpenter, odorous house, fire, rover, pharaoh and other kinds of ants.


Normal cockroaches are found everywhere, but the Palmetto bug is an additional one found in North Texas.

Palmetto Bugs

This cockroach loves dark, warm, moist environments, and can make a home in your pantry. If they contaminate the food, you could find yourself face-to-face with salmonella. Another con of these bugs is they can trigger asthma and allergy attacks. Though they mostly stay outside, if you find them in your home, you should call the professionals immediately to take care of them.


While usually harmless and can be beautiful, there are species of beetles that can cause damage if found inside your home. The carpet beetle is common in Texas and likes to eat fabrics like clothing, furniture and its signature namesake, carpet.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are great travelers, and with all the coming and going to and from Texas, it's no surprise the state has a lot of them. Check your headboard and mattresses for these tiny insects, as they come out at night and go for any exposed skin while you sleep.


There are dozens of spiders you can find in Texas, but the biggest ones to worry about are the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse, whose bites are dangerous for humans. But North Texas also has jumping and wolf spiders, just for fun.


House mice, the Norway rat, the roof rat and the wood rat are all common in North Texas. These can carry diseases and chew through your clothing, wires and even the insulation of your home, so you want to take care of them quickly.


Ticks are a nuisance in Texas, with the Lone Star tick named after the state. North Texas also has deer ticks, and both types transmit diseases to humans and pets.

Stinging Insects

While we love the bees, no one wants to find a bumble bee or honey bee in the house, but they are common to find in Florida. Other stinging insects in the Orlando area are the Yellowjacket wasp and Paper wasp, neither of which you want to mess with.


The Formosan subterranean termite, which arrived in Florida in the 1980s, can do massive damage as quickly as in three months. From fences to the foundation, these can't be left alone to feed, or they will destroy what they find.


The humid climate found in North Texas is ideal for silverfish. These silvery pests aren't really fish, but really are a nuisance for homeowners. They are quick, can move sideways and will find a dark hiding place in your house if you let them. You want these gone so they don't get into your pantry because they feed on starchy foods and will ruin your food stores.


Texas always has a mosquito problem. North Texas can have a mosquito season that is almost all year, so you don't really get away from them. With over 80 types in Texas, you want to make sure you always take precautions when you leave the house. While not all these carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans and pets, you don't want to take the risk.

Conditions These Insects Enjoy

By being aware of why these insects come to your yard and eliminating any conditions you can, you reduce the chance of these insects, rodents and other bugs from making your house their home.

  • Rainy weather
  • Moisture and humidity
  • Any amount of standing water
  • Pet food and water (inside and outside bowls)
  • Unmowed yards and wild greenery
  • Messy piles of wood or other materials left in the yard
  • Clogged-up gutters and drains
  • Dirty garbage and recycling cans and bins
  • Overripe and rotting food and fruits left out

How to Protect Yourself and Your Home

To protect yourself, your home and your pets from these pesky pests, there are a few simple tips to do regularly.

  • Take care of your yard and keep the lawn tidy and mowed and greenery trimmed
  • Wear bug spray with DEET when you go outside, especially in woodsy areas
  • Wear loose and long clothing
  • Keep your home's entrances repaired, checking for cracks and holes around doors and windows
  • Repair any tears and holes in screens as needed

When to Call the Professionals

From beetles to mosquitoes, if you have a pest problem in or around your North Texas home or business, call in the professionals. Compassionate and experienced teams, like the ones at MosquitoNix, can assess the situation and come up with the plan that is best for you. At a minimum, you should call for a free quote to ask what they think should be done.

Whether you visit North Texas to check out the Shawnee Trail or want to take in its legendary cowboy culture, make sure you learn about the insects and other bugs that are also a part of the area so you and your family can stay pest-free.

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