Mosquitos in Nashville, TN: Identifying the Most Dangerous Types

Mosquitos in Nashville, TN: Identifying the Most Dangerous Types

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February 06, 2025

It seems like mosquitos are out all year long these days. The winter doesn't quite knock them out like it used to. If you live in Nashville, Tennessee, you know how true that is. With rising temperatures, a long and humid summer and plenty of rain to give mosquitos homes, Nashville has risen in the rankings as a city to avoid if you don't like mosquitos. Here is what you need to know to stay safe in the Nashville area when it comes to mosquitos.

The Mosquitos to Avoid in Nashville

  • Yellow Fever Mosquito
  • Western Encephalitis Mosquito
  • White-Dotted Mosquito
  • Southern House Mosquito
  • Northern House Mosquito
  • Malaria Mosquito
  • Eastern Tree Hole Mosquito
  • Asian Tiger Mosquito
  • Asian Bush Mosquito

From ponds to lakes to even a few tablespoons of standing water in your yard-these mosquitos are all over Tennessee and could venture to Nashville at any time. If you think about the fact there are over 200 species of these insects, the fact that only a dozen are dangerous to people are pretty good odds for humans.

Diseases Mosquitos Spread

The most common diseases these bugs spread don't all have a vaccine or cure, which is why it is so dangerous for humans to get bit by one carrying the virus.

  • La Crosse Virus
  • West Nile Virus
  • Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus
  • Malaria
  • Zika
  • Dengue
  • Chikungunya
  • Yellow Fever
  • Japanese Encephalitis
  • St. Louis Encephalitis

The main ones hitting Nashville hard are West Nile, La Crosse, Eastern Equine Encephalitis and neuroinvasive disease. These all present as a flu, which is why they may be misdiagnosed. But the bad part is they could lead to swelling of the brain or meningitis, which are especially harmful in the young, elderly or immune compromised. What is worse about these specific diseases mosquitos carry is there are no treatments or vaccines to prevent infection.

The Rise of Mosquito Diseases in Nashville

Nashville was reported as the 16th worst state for mosquitos, which is worse than in previous years. The longer summers, higher temperatures and warmer winters are creating a longer mosquito season. Pest control companies have seen an increase in customers needing help keeping these pests under control year after year.

Nashville and West Nile

West Nile was the disease most commonly found in Nashville last year, with around 75% of traps set by Davidson County detecting it in the bugs caught. Thankfully, no cases reported of a human contracting the disease have been filed since 2019. West Nile might be rare for a person to contract in Nashville, but that doesn't mean the possibility is zero.

Prevention is Key

If you don't want West Nile-or any other viruses-it's best to take preventative measures. Draining your yard of standing water, no matter how small, keeping your grass and lawn clean, neat and tidy is important and checking your home for any holes or cracks around windows and doors or tears in screens will all keep the mosquitos out of your house and lower the amount in your yard.

When in doubt, call in a professional team in Nashville to look at your yard. Most pest control solutions are pretty easy and are no extra hassle to your day-to-day life. At least ask for a free consultation if you are unsure if your yard needs help with mosquitos.

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