MosquitoNix® Featured on Good Morning Texas

MosquitoNix® Featured on Good Morning Texas

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May 12, 2017

Are you ready to fight off insects this summer? Mike Kenealy and Taylor Lippincott appeared on “Good Morning Texas” to discuss how MosquitoNix® is revolutionizing the way homeowners enjoy their own backyards. This automated misting system is customized to each individual property and installed by professional technicians to keeps homes and properties free from flying insects like mosquitos, flies, ticks and no-see-ums all season long.

Lippincott described how the system works: “We have tubing and nozzles all the way around your backyard. The solution is extracted from the [reservoir] and then sprayed throughout your backyard, interrupting the breeding cycle and killing all the mosquitos.” The entire process is practically unnoticeable; the system mists three times per day for only 45 seconds each time, and the mist itself is completely odorless.

Kenealy also demonstrated one of the unique features of the MosquitoNix system: a remote control. Besides the automated mists, the remote can be used for an extra boost any time throughout the day to keep mosquitos and other flying insects at bay. This gives homeowners total control over the insects in their yard without taking up too much of their time and eliminating the need for additional products like insect repellent lotions and sprays, fans, wipes and candles.

Those with kids and pets can opt for the MosquitoNix Green Eco mist for a natural, non-toxic solution to swarming mosquitos. In addition to being 100 percent safe for pets and kids, this is an eco-friendly, biodegradable option for concerned homeowners.

With over 40,000 systems currently installed and operating, and a 98 percent retention rate with current customers, MosquitoNix is a popular and effective choice for repelling insects. To celebrate their “Good Morning Texas” appearance, MosquitoNix is offering a new customer special for up to $750 off when mentioning WFAA (offer good through May 2017).

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