How to Treat Sand Flea Bites

How to Treat Sand Flea Bites

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January 22, 2025

Sand fleas are crustaceans that, as their name implies, are found mostly on sandy beaches. Once bitten by a sand fly, you may find that their bites are unbearably irritating and itchy.

Sand can further irritate the bite which means the sand flea has the potential to quickly turn a relaxing beach day into one of itchy discomfort.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to soothe your skin if you have been bitten by a sand flea. Try these remedies so you can get back to having fun in the sun and enjoying a day at the beach.

Please take note that while these treatments may alleviate some symptoms, it is also possible that symptoms will worsen because of infection or some other cause. If you notice your symptoms worsening over time, make sure to seek medical care.

Cream, gel and all natural treatments

As tempting as it may be, do not scratch the site of a sand flea bite. Similar to many other bug bites, scratching them may open up the bite, making the area more susceptible to infection. There are topical creams you can use to treat a bite and calamine lotion is one of the easiest and cheapest remedies on the market. Make sure to read the label to learn how to apply any cream correctly and consult a physician before using the lotion while breast-feeding or pregnant.

Hydrocortisone cream is another great itch reliever that can help treat sand flea bites. Similar to calamine lotion, make sure you read the directions before applying to ensure you are doing everything correctly.

Aloe vera is another natural solution, known for its healing and soothing properties. Because aloe is also commonly used to treat sunburn, it can be a good idea to have some on hand during the summer months. Aloe vera gel can easily be purchased at your local drug store or online. Growing aloe in your home is another option to ensure you always have some on hand. As succulents, aloe vera plants are easy to grow and maintain.

To treat especially bothersome bites, clip and place an aloe vera spear in the freezer. Once frozen, use on the area of your skin with the sand flea bite to soothe the itch and discomfort. This technique can also be used for sunburns.

Essential oils are another all-natural option for treating sand flea bites. Oils from lavender, tea tree, cedar and eucalyptus have the potential to alleviate irritation and itchiness. Before using any oil, apply to a small area of skin to test for any allergies or reactions.

Some essential oils can be harmful in large doses or to kids or pets. Always double check if an essential oil is safe and appropriate to use before beginning any treatment.

Other sand flea bite treatments

There are also a number of at home remedies you can try if you're unsuccessful at finding another treatment. One option is to soak your bite in a mixture of baking soda and water.

Pour one cup of baking soda into a bathtub filled with cool water to soothe bites. You can also soak in a warm oatmeal bath - oatmeal contains antioxidants that will relieve the irritation. Avoid hot water though, as this may worsen skin irritation.

Of course, the best treatment is sand flea bite prevention. You can prevent bites by going to the beach in the middle of the day when it's warmest, as sand fleas tend to come to the surface in the mornings and evenings when the air is cooler. You can also try insect repellent or consider covering your legs and feet when laying in the sand. These may not always be feasible options for a relaxing day on the beach, but these steps will ensure that you are fully protected from sand flea bites.

Of course, ensure first that you have been bitten by sand fleas before you begin to treat your bites. If you suspect mosquitoes are biting you and your family, it is important you seek treatment for your outdoor spaces so you and your family can avoid mosquito transmitted viruses.

MosquitoNix ® is proud to serve our customers with pest control services that are performed by trained, insured and personable technicians dedicated to deliver temporary, permanent and portable insect control solutions for homeowners and business owners.

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