High-Tech Holiday Lighting: Using Smart Features and Automation

High-Tech Holiday Lighting: Using Smart Features and Automation

November 07, 2023

At MosquitoNix®, we're well known for the pest control and mosquito control services that we offer all year long. However, did you know that we also have a team of MosquitoNix Elves who are ready to help you with your holiday lighting needs? These Elves are actually trained, insured holiday light installation professionals who can deal with the installation, maintenance and take-down of your Christmas lights, so you don't have to.

To say that our Elves know a lot about Christmas lights - including the latest holiday lighting trends - would be an understatement. Luckily, they are happy to share their expertise with you. In this guide, they share information about high-tech holiday lighting, including smart features and automation abilities that you can incorporate.

What are these smart features, and how can they be used to make controlling your Christmas lights easier this holiday season? Keep reading as we explore the answers to these questions, and learn why these smart lights are an increasingly popular choice for homes and businesses.

What Are Smart Features and Smart Lights?

The phrase "smart features" refers to the ability to control certain aspects or parts of a device remotely or automatically, instead of manually. This can be achieved by "communicating" with the device using a remote control, digital voice assistant or downloadable app that you can access on your phone or tablet. Thus, smart lights are lights with characteristics that can be controlled using a remote. Some smart lights can also be programmed to make decisions, in the sense that, under certain conditions, they will perform a certain action.

Many people enjoy using smart lighting because of the convenience it offers. For example, you can dim your dining room lights without having to get up from the table. However, users often note the sense of safety and security these lights can provide as well. Smart lights can make it possible for you to turn on a light just before walking into a room, so you don't trip over anything. Or, if you're returning home after dark, you can turn your house lights on as you approach your home, so you don't have to walk into a dark house.

The Benefits of Smart Christmas Lights

What does this have to do with your Christmas decorations? Using smart Christmas lights can provide many of the same benefits as using smart lamps and other smart lights. You can turn your holiday lights on or off without having to manually access plugs or switches. Especially when your Christmas lights are located in inconvenient or out-of-the-way places, like on your roof, having the ability to control them remotely can be extremely helpful. You might also set them on motion-activation mode to help greet guests or deter intruders.

Plus, if you're looking for an extra-whimsical light display, many smart Christmas lights can twinkle, change colors and more. Some can even be synched to music so that they pulse or animate in time with the beat.

Many smart Christmas lights can also be scheduled to turn on and off at certain times. As you might imagine, this is a particularly popular feature; people often automate their Christmas lights to turn on at dusk and turn off at around the time they usually go to bed. The benefit of doing this is that you don't have to remember to turn the lights on and off each day - and, according to FEMA, it's always a good idea to turn your Christmas lights off before bedtime. (You can find more of FEMA's Christmas light safety tips here.)

When it comes to smart holiday lighting, one caveat or potential downside is that most smart lights are LED lights, as opposed to incandescent lights. That means they are very energy-efficient and stay cooler to the touch. However, if you prefer the warm-toned, traditional glow of incandescent lights, it may be harder to find what you're looking for.

What Do You Need for a Smart Christmas Light Display?

You can't incorporate smart features into your holiday light display unless you have smart Christmas lights. Luckily, it is easier than ever to find smart holiday lights for use indoors and outdoors. Whether you want smart light strings with white lights, colored lights, icicle lights or other styles, you can likely find what you need at a home improvement store, department store or online retailer. You can even find smart lighted Christmas decorations in the shapes of Christmas trees, stars, angels and more, all made up of smart Christmas lights.

Each product has its own range of features and specifications, so make sure you review product details before making your purchase; you'll want to ensure that that particular lighting product has the automation function, dimmability or any other characteristics you have in mind. Also, check how the lights will be controlled. Is there an included remote control? Will you need to download an app? It's good to know what to expect once you get your lights home.

Get Help with Your Smart Christmas Light Installation

With smart features and automation, you can create the Christmas light display of your dreams - and control it all season long with much less hassle.

Speaking of hassle, are you also looking to avoid the nuisance of installing, maintaining and taking down your Christmas light display this year? The MosquitoNix Elves can help. Our Elves are licensed, insured and knowledgeable. Just choose the smart Christmas decorations that you want, and have the Elves create the perfect, professional-looking display at your home or business. Our rates are surprisingly affordable, too.

Text ELVES or call (855) 808-2847 to learn more and get a free quote. You can check out the quality of our Elves' work, or just get some holiday display ideas and inspiration, by perusing our gallery. And for more inspiration and information about lights of all kinds, check out our blog.

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