Don't Let Ants Ruin Your Picnic: Pest Control Tips for Outdoor Spaces

Don't Let Ants Ruin Your Picnic: Pest Control Tips for Outdoor Spaces

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December 23, 2024

No one wants to look down at their carefully laid picnic and see a bunch of tiny, black crawling bugs attacking their food. But if you take the picnic outside, there is a chance ants will show up at the party. Anytime there is food outside, bugs are attracted, but there are things you can do to reduce the chance of these pests from inviting themselves to your picnic. Learn about how to prevent and stop ants from taking over your outdoor space, especially when there is food involved.

Best Ant-Free Picnic Tips

No one really likes to share their food, but when there are ants fighting you for your meal, that's even worse. Planning a picnic isn't just about the food and drinks - you have to think about unwanted guests.

Before you set up, look down and around. You should not start to set up your picnic just because the spot looks pretty or has a nice view. The most important should be if you see ant hills or notice other bugs around. No view is worth your food being covered in bugs.

Put a lid on it. All of your food items should be in sealed containers. Not only is transporting everything easier, but it will keep the bugs away and you can quickly put lids on things if you do find pests coming over to sample what you have. This also minimizes the travel of the scent of the food that bugs find so alluring.

Bring bug-repelling scents. Before you open your containers or lay down your blanket, spray the area with lemon, cinnamon, coffee grounds or a vinegar mixture with those in it, as bugs do not like those scents.

You could even sprinkle baby powder or cornstarch around the perimeter, as ants don't want to cross those substances.

Make sure your blanket is up to the task. Don't use just any old blanket you have in the trunk to sit on. If you have a plastic layer to put down before the blanket, that would be ideal. If your blanket could be a waterproof mat, that is even better.

Clean up immediately. While you may want to linger, enjoying the conversation, this is when the ants make their move. If you are done eating, clean up all of the food and put the lids on containers immediately, then enjoy the conversation and company.

Keep an eye out. Even the most carefully picked spot, thoughtful preparations, and steps taken to avoid having ants show up at your picnic can go awry. Sometimes the bugs just show up seemingly out of nowhere. Keep your eyes open for signs of bugs moving in on your spot. If you see one ant on your blanket or near your food, more will follow, so it might be wise to move before they take over.

There is something about being outside, snacking on your favorite foods, in the company of someone you enjoy being around. There is also the horror of seeing your thoughtful spread overrun by ants. Keep these tips on how to stop ants from ruining your picnic, whether you are in a park or your own backyard. And, if things get too buggy, remember to invite your friends at MosquitoNix over to see what they can do to keep ants - and a lot of other bugs - out of your yard.

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