Christmas Lighting Ideas for Your Home

Christmas Lighting Ideas for Your Home

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September 11, 2023

Six Home Christmas Light Ideas to Try This Year

In the winter, days are short, and nights are long. Many people enjoy brightening up those dark hours by incorporating lights into their holiday decorating, from classic string lights to electric candles to laser lights. These holiday light displays can bring cheer to your family, guests and neighbors, even during winter's darkest days. Remember that you want a display that is unique to you and your family, but don't be afraid to be a little different if you want.

If you want to try some new Christmas light ideas for your house this year, keep reading for some inspiration from the MosquitoNix® Elves. Our Elves team consists of licensed, insured holiday lighting professionals who can provide the holiday decorating and lighting services you need to create the display of your dreams. They're happy to share some of their expertise with you here! Another set of eyes could be all you need to turn your home into the gingerbread house you've always wanted.

Six Unique Outdoor Christmas Light Ideas for Your Home

When decorating your home with lights for Christmas, some looks are classics for a reason. These include lining your roof with string lights, putting artificial candles on your windowsills or covering the shrubs or bushes in your front yard with string lights or convenient net-style Christmas lights. These tactics can give your home a lovely look for the holiday season.

However, maybe you want to try some unique holiday lighting ideas this year, either instead of or in addition to these classic looks. That's where the following lighting suggestions come in. Keep reading to find one (or more!) that sounds fun and feasible for your home.

  1. Illuminate trees of all types.

When people think of decorating trees outside their homes for Christmas, they likely picture fir trees with string lights wound around them like a traditional Christmas tree. But if you don't have fir trees on your property, don't fret: A fun modern trend is wrapping the trunks and branches of everything from oaks to maples with lights.

Some people wind regular string lights around and around, but you can also purchase light wraps or light nets especially designed to go around the lower parts of trees. You can see more examples of this idea in our gallery of photos of houses decorated by the MosquitoNix Elves. (You'll even see some light-wrapped palm trees!) You could put strands around your mailbox, outdoor furniture or whatever else you have out there if there isn't a tree to do the traditional job.

  1. Add uplifting uplighting.

When people think of adding lights for Christmas, they often think about lights placed high up - say, on roofs or tall trees. But taking the opposite approach and lighting from the ground up can make a big impact. Think about installing spotlights, well lights or even lanterns so that they shine their light upward.

If you install these lights at even intervals around the front of your home with their light shining up and illuminating your home's exterior, it can give your whole house a warm, welcoming glow. It also makes taking them down and putting them up a bit easier. Again, you can see some examples of uplighting in our photo gallery.

  1. Hang lovely lanterns.

Wrapping your trees in lights isn't the only way to illuminate them. You can also hang lanterns from their branches for a beautiful and more unexpected lighting option. There are lots of lanterns and luminaries you can purchase in various shapes and styles that are electrified to shine brightly among the boughs. You can also make your own by putting battery-powered candles inside glass jars or globes. If they don't have handles, just attach twine or wire to hang them with. It could look like how downtown areas hang their holiday shapes down the main street at the top. It is a fun way to bring holiday cheer in an option other than just string lights.

  1. Dress up your driveway.

You may be considering putting lights on your house and the trees and bushes around it, but don't neglect your driveway. Whether your driveway is long or short, it provides plenty of extra opportunities for illumination. Along both sides, install strings of electric lights, or add a series of evenly spaced battery- or solar-powered lanterns.

You can create your own simple luminaries using paper bags, battery-operated tealights and some small rocks to keep them from blowing away. You can even use path lights in fun shapes like candy canes. You can use these same ideas to brighten up a pathway leading to your front door or a garden path on your property. Use whatever is on your property to create that winter wonderland feeling. It's about whatever you want to come home to.

  1. Light up wagon wheels, sled and more.

This idea is simple, but it packs lots of visual impact. You can use an old wagon wheel, sled and wrap it in string lights to create a rustic-looking holiday decoration. Once you've wound the lights around the object, lean it against a tree, fence or the side of your house or garage so it looks like it's been casually placed there. Voila! You can also add holiday greenery, bows and ornaments if you like. This is a great way to "upcycle" old items you have around your home or that you find at a thrift store. It's that rustic look that would also be great for holiday card picture-taking with kids or animals.

  1. Consider non-traditional string lights.

There are many different kinds of string lights. Of course, there are traditional Christmas lights, with small, distinctive-looking bulbs. But there are also on-trend bistro lights with larger, rounded bulbs. You can give your holiday decorating a modern twist by hanging these lights from your roofline or around your doorway in place of what we usually think of as holiday string lights. (Just make sure they're rated for outdoor use if you hang them outside.)

These are just a few ideas we have for upping your holiday-decorating game this year. Be sure to check out our blog for other ideas you might not have thought of for how to decorate your home, your business or even your boat!

And no matter what holiday lighting look you choose, be sure to follow all applicable safety precautions both during and after the installation of your project. After all, you may want to show your holiday cheer, but there's nothing very cheerful about electrical fires, falling from a ladder or other potential pitfalls! We want everyone to celebrate safely in their home while showing the neighbors you have the most Christmas spirit on the block.

If you want our team of professionals to assist with your home lighting and decorating needs (especially for your trickier projects), Call or text CALL (877) 731-2847. We know just as much about holiday lighting as we do about keeping away mosquitoes and other flying insects and pests, so you can count on us to do the job right.

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