What You Need to Know About Mosquito Prevention

What You Need to Know About Mosquito Prevention

June 15, 2021 2 Comments

Mosquitoes make it difficult to relax and enjoy outdoor spaces. In addition to leaving behind irritating, itchy bites, they have the potential to spread harmful diseases. To stop these pests from causing problems in and around your home, here are some helpful facts and tips from the experts at MosquitoNix®.

How Do Mosquito Bites Cause Illness?

According to the CDC, mosquitoes are one the world’s deadliest animals. This is because they can transmit infectious diseases to humans, including West Nile, malaria, Zika, and encephalitis.

Mosquitoes spread illness through their bite. When a mosquito bites, it draws blood from the skin it lands on and leaves saliva in its place. This saliva is what causes the immune response in humans that leaves behind red, itchy bumps.

If a mosquito feeds on a human or animal infected with a virus such as West Nile, it will transfer the bacteria to the next human or animal it bites, spreading the illness. Illnesses that are transmitted in this manner are referred to as mosquito-borne diseases.

Understanding the Mosquito Life Cycle

Mosquito-borne diseases are a continuous threat because of the insect’s pervasiveness and life cycle. These pesky pests can lay their eggs in almost any area that holds stagnant water, including rain gutters, bird baths, and even tin cans. It takes about a week for a mosquito egg to develop into an adult.

Sometimes, mosquito eggs do not hatch right away. When this happens, they can remain viable for up to eight months if left untouched. This means that, if a mosquito lays eggs in your garage during the fall, they could hatch the following spring and cause a resurgence that seems to come out of nowhere. The best way to protect your family from a mosquito infestation, therefore, is through preemptive pest control services.

Get the Best Protection with MosquitoNix

Common insect control products such as sprays, candles, and yard bombs only provide short-term relief from mosquitoes. But the MosquitoNix Misting System delivers continuous repellant power to protect you and your family whenever you’re in the backyard. Coupled with a full inspection of your home and property, it’s the best way to prevent bites and lower your risk of mosquito-borne illnesses. To have a customized misting system created for your needs and budget, contact our team of experts today.budget. 

2 Responses


September 16, 2019

Fredy, Thank you for sharing! If you are interested in a portable option for mosquito control we sell MosquitoNix® On-The-Go. The MosquitoNix On the Go Dispenser works very well in outdoor settings around your home (yards, patios, decks, porches, gazebos, etc.). The Cylinder Refill Unit (CRU) provides the insecticide for your MosquitoNix® On the Go Dispenser. The insecticide contains pyrethrin, a botanical insecticide. It is specifically designed to kill clover mites, cluster flies, flies, gnats, mosquitos, mud daubers, small flying moths and wasps. You can purchase MosquitoNix On-The-Go on MosquitoNix.com under “Buy Now.”

Fredy Audy
Fredy Audy

September 16, 2019

A useful one! Knowing the fact that mosquitoes are harmful, there are multiple ways to get rid of them. One being, use of zappers like Zapout. It is an indoor and outdoor mosquito zapper which works really good and keeps you safe even while you are out in a forest.

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